Do a water workout in the hot tub

Do a water workout in the hot tub | Kirami

 Kuva: Vuokatti Ski Team Kainuu | Kirami Photos and videos: Niko Simola

Water workout in the hot tub 

Bathing in the hot tub is a wonderful way to relax, but with the right instructions, you can also exercise in the tub. Water exercise is great for joints and tissues, and water resistance makes the movements more effective. The warm water also stimulates blood circulation. Physiotherapist Teija Simola has created a workout in a Kirami hot tub that everyone can do in their own tub. 


Teija Simola from Sastamala is one of the owners of the Kunnon Startti company that offers gym activities, group exercise and physiotherapy. Before establishing her own company, Simola worked as a physiotherapist in occupational health care. According to Simola, you can adapt exercises in the hot tub to suit your own condition.

“Warm water is a great place to work on body maintenance. The heat is already relaxing in itself, the water supports the movements and also makes floating, relaxing movements possible. The slow movement is gentle on the body, and it’s easier to do things like stretching in the water,” Simola says..


Warm water is a great place to work on body maintenance. (a short version of a water workout in the hot tub). 


“Of course, the size of the hot tub and the water level set limits on what you can do. This is why the exercises in a hot tub are mostly done seated or half lying down. Taller people can bend their legs a bit while doing the exercises. You can use different kinds of equipment in the hot tub just as easily as in the swimming pool.”

You can do the hot tub workout while the tub is heating up and the water is not too hot, for instance.

“In a water workout that lasts for less than 30 minutes, a temperature of 34–36 degrees Celsius is pleasantly warm and gives you a chance to do stretching and relaxing movements. In fact, you can do the workout before the actual bathing part. Everyone should find the right temperature for themselves, where exercising in the hot tub feels nice. Before exercise, you can warm up by carrying firewood and doing squats and step-ups on the steps outside the hot tub.” 


Teija Simola | You can do the hot tub workout while the tub is heating up and the water is not too hot, for instance | Kirami
You can do the hot tub workout while the tub is heating up and the water is not too hot, for instance.


Water exercise benefits everyone

A water workout is an excellent form of exercise.

“The warm water stimulates blood circulation and makes it easier to relax, which in turn increases the flexibility of tissues and joint mobility. The water adds resistance to the movements, which makes muscular work more effective. The water protects joints from stress, which means that it’s suitable for almost everyone regardless of age.”

A hot tub workout can also support rehabilitation.

“Water exercise is used often in the rehabilitation of different kinds of knee problems, for instance, and it’s a great help in the rehabilitation phase of competitive sports. It can also make breathing more effective: the pressure resists inhalation as the chest expands and helps the chest contract during exhalation.”


Teija Simola | A hot tub workout can also support rehabilitation | Kirami
A hot tub workout can also support rehabilitation.


Teija Simola encourages everyone to do different kinds of exercise.

“Any kind of movement is better than not moving at all. You should also do other types of exercise as a counterbalance to the water exercise.”

Simola reminds people that even gentle water exercise is nevertheless not suitable for everyone.

“For example, if you are suffering from untreated high blood pressure, decompensated heart failure or an acute infection, you should consider carefully if water exercise is a good idea. If you aren’t sure that water exercise is suitable for you, check first with a health care professional.”  


Teija Simola | Any kind of movement is better than not moving at all | Kirami
Any kind of movement is better than not moving at all.


A fun experience  

Physiotherapist Teija Simola is no stranger to different kinds of stunts, so a hot tub workout in cooperation with Kirami felt like a natural thing to do.

“I had already been thinking that it might be fun to do water exercise in the hot tub. I mentioned it to a Kirami employee, just as a joke, and that’s where everything started. People are now spending more time at home, so this also fits in with the spirit of the times,” Simola says.

“I have always been participating in different kinds of projects. In occupational health care, I was a part of the Finnish national Fit for Life programme. I also worked as a sports physiotherapist for the Finnish Olympic Committee in the international student sports event Universiade in Naples, Italy, in 2019. I have always been fascinated by different kinds of tasks at work, like this hot tub workout.”


Teija Simola encourages everyone to do different kinds of exercise | Kirami
Teija Simola encourages everyone to do different kinds of exercise.


Creating a water workout video was an interesting experience for Simola.

“You had to think carefully about how to capture the movements in a hot tub on video. This was also a learning experience for me.” 
Simola’s son was responsible for shooting the video.

“The video was shot by my son Niko; filming is his hobby. With his help, we were able to capture a good variety of different angles and a great atmosphere on video.” 

Watch Teija Simola’s hot tub workout for the midriff and buttocks on the video below. We will publish new water exercise videos in the future, too, so follow this blog if you want more hot tub workout tips in the future!


Physiotherapist Teija Simola | Do a water workout in the Kirami hot tub  | Kirami
Physiotherapist Teija Simola


Contact information:


Teija Simola

+358 (0)45 131 3109




Photographer Niko Simola | Do a water workout in the Kirami hot tub | Kirami
Photographer Niko Simola



Contact information:


Niko Simola







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Hot tub workout for the midriff and buttocks


Watch Teija Simola’s hot tub workout for the midriff and buttocks

Hot tub exercise for your buttocks and mid body. Bathing in the hot tub is a wonderful way to relax, but with the right instructions, you can also exercise in the tub. Water exercise is great for joints and tissues, and water resistance makes the movements more effective. The warm water also stimulates blood circulation. Physiotherapist Teija Simola has created a workout in a Kirami hot tub that everyone can do in their own tub.


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